Seeking Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives (MMIR) Information

ARC is seeking Information about Missing and Murdered Sault Tribe Members:
In an effort to maintain an informational database for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons (MMIP), the Advocacy Resource Center is seeking information regarding missing and murdered individuals who belong to the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians. Please message or call the ARC at 906-632-1808 with information that can be entered into the database. The information provided does not to be current information. The ARC is seeking information for ALL missing or murdered tribal members including the seven county service areas and tribal members across the world. Please ask for Jess Gillotte-King (extension 73104) when calling the ARC. If messaging the ARC Facebook page or emailing at , please leave the following information:

First/Middle/Last Name
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Perpetrator Name if applicable:

If Missing:
Date Last Seen/Went Missing
Physical Description
Distinctive Physical Features
Vehicle Information

Any information is appreciated.
Thank you for your participation in this matter. Please feel free to share this information. 
